Susanne K. Langer Circle

Conference 2024

Langer, Creativity, and American Thought: A Conference on the Work and Influence of Susanne Langer


Download the conference program here


The Susanne Langer Circle announces an interdisciplinary conference covering all aspects of the thought of Susanne Langer. The conference will be hosted by the American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought (AIPCT), Murphysboro, IL, and by Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC), June 24-28, 2024.

The conference is sponsored by the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy and the Foundation for the Philosophy of Creativity, along with AIPCT and SIUC.

The conference will include keynote addresses, an artistic experience, a virtual reality demonstration and experience, and a conference dinner. Most speakers will be presenting in a series of plenary sessions.

Keynote Speakers:

Juliet Floyd, Boston University
Iris van der Tuin, University of Utrecht
Donald Dryden, Duke University

Robert Innis, University of Massachusetts, Lowell

It will be possible for people to join on-line for some sessions, including:

  The Creativity Conference Monday,

  The Hahn lectures on Wednesday morning,

  and the Keynotes, Tuesday night, and Thursday morning.

To request a zoom link please email: